10 Steps to Optimize Your Twitter Profile & Gain Followers

10 Steps to Optimize Your Twitter To Powerfully Drive Qualified Leads To Your Website
Orginally posted on socialmediatrafficblueprint.com by maria andros.

Action Steps

1. Get your name if Available

2. Choose an Attractive close-up picture of you

3. Write your BIO (powerful) (read it Back 10x)

4. Get a Custom Background @tweetpages or tweetbacks.com

5. Ask Open Ended Questions – so people answer back

6. Offer Value to other followers like to other blogs

7. Be yourself! Have fun Find your Twitter Style

8. Retweet other tweets you think are cool

9. Add followers from your mentors & competitors they will    back most times. (50-100 a day to start)

10 Use Twitter search for keywords in your niche.